Notice of 2023 AGM & Election /

RSVP to Attend

The Annual General Meeting of the CivicInfo BC Society will be hosted online at 2:00pm (PDT) on Monday June 26, 2023. The meeting is expected to last approximately 30 minutes.

Anyone from a CivicInfo BC member organization is welcome to attend, and must RSVP by completing the form below.

Prior to the AGM, those who have RSVP'd will receive a link to access the meeting, along with a full AGM information package. Please RSVP by Friday June 24, 2023.

In accordance with the bylaws of the Society, elections for the CivicInfo BC Board of Directors will also be held during the AGM.  Nine positions are elected annually for one year terms: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and up to six Directors at Large.

Learn more or request a nomination form by sending an email to

Eligibility to Vote at the AGM

Each Regular Member organization is entitled to one vote. This vote may be cast by a person authorized to vote on behalf of the member organization OR if no such authorization exists, the senior ranking person from a member organization in attendance. All voting will be conducted online, with instructions given to those in attendance.

Your organization:

Your name:

Your job title / position:

Your email address:
