Tell us about your future needs for skills and training in Pharma and Health technology!

What is happening in your work environment in the future, and what topics do you wish to learn about or need training support in? What kind of training inspires you? Will you choose a webinar in the future too, or are you looking forward to meeting colleagues face to face? Does your work schedule fit best with a whole-day event or a short and precise training?  Share your thoughts with us!

By answering this survey, you get to participate in developing a training portfolio that suits your needs – and have a chance of winning a free training of your choice! 

The survey consists of three parts:

*Part 1: Background information and ways of learning

*Part 2: Skills and training needs

*Part 3: Contact information for raffle (voluntary)


Among the respondents of this survey, we will conduct a raffle of a Pharmaca Academy training of your choice. The draw will take place by the end of 2023. We will contact the winner personally.

This survey will take approximately 8 minutes to fill. Thank you in advance!

P.S. Feel free to share the survey with your colleagues!

Pharmaca - Catalyzing intelligence for health.

Pharmaca Health Intelligence is a technology and expert company providing health intelligence services and solutions since 1975. Our comprehensive pharmaceutical intelligence solutions help health and pharma professionals to develop their expertise and enable better decision making for the entire health life cycle. The Finnish company operates in the Nordics as well as globally.

Get to know Pharmaca here.

Pharmaca Academy’s comprehensive training offering and diverse training formats meet the competence needs of pharma professionals and enable them to continuously improve their expertise. This survey will help us develop our trainings further in the direction of your needs.

Discover Pharmaca Academy’s training calendar to see our full range.
